Credit Repair Sample Letters

Credit Repair Sample LettersThese free credit repair sample letters have been made available for your use, to help you fix bad credit, dispute a negative item on your report, validate a debt, close an account and more.

Each letter comes with a detailed explanation of when and how to use it and what to do in case that it doesn’t achieve the required results.

Here is the list of available free credit repair sample letters:

Sample Credit Report Dispute Letter
Use this sample credit report dispute form to initiate an investigation with a credit bureau and dispute items on your credit report. For instructions see Credit Report Disputes

Sample Credit Inquiry Dispute Letter
You can send this sample credit inquiry dispute letter to unauthorized inquirers, demanding that they remove their inquiries from your credit report. For instructions see Removing Credit Inquiries/

Sample Pay-For-Delete Letter
Use this sample pay-for-delete letter to negotiate a removal of collection account off your credit report. For instructions see pay For Delete

Sample Goodwill Letter
Use this sample goodwill letter to ask creditors for their understanding and goodwill in removing a negative item from your credit report. For instructions see Goodwill Letters

Sample Letter for Closing Accounts
Use this sample account closing letter to properly close a credit card that you no longer need. For instructions see How To Close Credit Card

Sample Debt Validation Letter
Use this sample debt validation letter to send to a debt collector, asking him to validate the debt information with the original creditor and mail you the verification, including the original creditor’s name and address. For instructions see Debt Validation Debt Verification