You got two FAKKO scores. None are Real.
My guess is that you’ve checked your score at a credit monitoring service. These services use their own scoring formulas, and therefore they are different and completely worthless because no creditor uses them. There’s even a name for these scores – they’re called FAKKO scores, as in fake–o.
The only place where you can purchase your real FICO score is myFico, but even it will be useless to you. This is because creditors and lenders use different versions of the Fico formula that is especially adapted to their needs.
Mortgage brokers use a formula called ‘Factual’, while auto lenders use the ‘Auto Enhanced’ version. These versions are not available to customers, and the only way you can get them is by actually applying for a mortgage or a car loan. Your lender will then pull your score thru his system and will disclose it to you.
The only version consumers can purchase at myFico is a generic version of Fico called ‘Standard’. Scores for the car loan version tend to be higher while the mortgage version tend to be lower than the consumer version.
Another thing to remember is that since credit scores are data-base driven, they can change from one day to the other.
Hope this helps