Credit reports and free score

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    Where can I get my credit reports and free score? I tried, but they give only the report, not the score. I know that I’m entitled for a free report and score, but how can I get it?

    Tracy Winters

    Re: Credit reports and free score

    Like so many people, you’re confusing between your credit reports and your credit score.

    As per the FACT Act, you have the right to receive free copy of your credit reports. It is true that your credit score must be provided to you upon request, but it cost money. Credit scores are a product, and as such you need to pay for them. is the ,only place where you can get your free annual credit report from the 3 major credit bureaus. This site is regulated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). They will never ask for your credit card details.

    As for a free credit score – don’t bother Goggling “free credit score”. You’re wasting your time. Almost all the sites that advertise free credit scores are scam. The maximum you can get is a seven day free trial. You won’t be able to enroll w/o providing them your credit card details, and I guranty you that it’s very hard to cancel. Chances are you will be charged for “ordering” a service you had no intention to pay for.

    The only site that provides absolutely free credit score is CreditKarma. They offer free credit that’s based on the Trans union’s Score, which is very close to Fico and very correlated to it. Numerous people use it and are very happy with it. You won’t be required to provide credit card details.

    KreditKarma also provides customers with free credit score monitoring service that’s based on your transunion’s credit report, a free Fico simulator and much more.

    See free-annual-credit-score.html for more information, and free-fico-credit-score.html for a list of these services.

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