My wife and me plan to apply for a home loan six month from now.
My wife’s score is pretty good – around 700.
My score is less good – around 630.
I have three credit cards on my name with the following balances and limits:
C.C.1 – ~600/2000
C.C.2 – ~600/1000
C.C.3 – ~4500/7000
I’d like to improve my score because I know that it means a lot of money in better interest rate over the life of the loan.
My question is whether its better to get C.C.1 and C.C.2 at below 30% utilization and leave C.C.3 around 65% or to get all three under 50%.
I can’t afford to pay off all the three at this time but would like to do whichever option is more beneficial for my credit score.
P.S: My payment history is flawless on all CCs. Thanks for your help!