Failed online credit validation

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    I’ve applied for my first credit card, and got a letter back stating that “Unfortunately, your order failed our online credit validation“.

    I don’t have bad credit. In fact I don’t have any credit at all. What does tham mean?

    Tracy Winters

    It means that you don’t have credit history…

    All creditors pull your credit report when you apply for credit. They want to see that you know how to handle credit and pay your debts on time before approving you more credit.

    So the fact that you have no credit history has the same effect as having bad credit. Since they don’t have positive information about you they have to assume the worst, and thus deny your application.

    This is what “ your order failed our online credit validation” means. We checked your credit and can’t approve you because you have no positive information on your file.

    Building credit is like catch 22. You can’t have new credit unless you already have credit. So how do you start?

    Apply for a secured credit card or a secured loan. They are much easier to get because they are secured. After a year or so you will have reasonable credit and can switch to a regular credit card.

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